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A Beacon of Hope or a Terrain Fraught with Challenges? Exploring a Dynamic Landscape of Carbon Credits

The SwissCham Climate Tech and Finance Sub-Committees cordially invite you to an enlightening event proudly hosted by Swiss Re.

This panel discussion will delve into the complex realm of Carbon Credits, a critical component in our collective journey toward Net Zero. The subcommittees aim to engage in a comprehensive examination of both the challenges and opportunities that carbon credit solutions present.

We welcome you to an unbiased examination of Carbon Credits, where recent controversies and hurdles will be acknowledged. The dialogue will explore how to ensure the transparency and integrity of carbon credit initiatives. The panel will discuss the critical role of technology in improving the traceability and additionality of these projects, how carbon credits are woven into corporate sustainability efforts, the impact of various regional developments on the voluntary carbon market, and how the finance sector is adapting to these changing landscapes.

Join us for this essential conversation as we navigate the complexities of Carbon Credits and seek viable pathways forward.

This event will be using Chatham House Rules, by attending, the participants agree to follow the Chatham House Rules.

This event is also open to non-members. Join us if you are interested in the topic and networking with industry leaders!

Useful information for members:

  • Ordinary Members (tier 1 & 2): 4 attendees at member price
  • Ordinary Members (tier 3): 2 attendees at member price
  • Associate Member: 1 attendee at member price
  • Young Professional: 1 attendee at member price

*Please be informed that photos and/or videos will be taken during the event, which might be published on our website, in newsletters, social media or any other publication. With the registration to the event, you consent to the same. The admission of non-members of SwissCham to our events is at the discretion of SwissCham and we reserve the right to refuse an event registration or admission of a non-member.

Cancellation Policy:

You may request to cancel your event registration by sending an email to 5 working days or more prior to the event date for a 90% refund if the event is ticketed. Full payment will be required for any cancellations or no shows thereafter. Replacements will be accepted.


Rachel Koh

Originator, Climate Impact X

Alvin Lee

Regional Head, APAC -

Lubomir Varbanov

MD and Head of Public Sector Solutions, Asia Pacific at Swiss Re

Yvonne Zhang

Sustainability expert, Deloitte SEA


Swiss Re Office
128 Beach Road, Guoco Midtown #10-01

See route

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