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Save the dateNovember 30, 202117:00 - 18:00 GMT+8
Event Details
Event Details

Today's digital financial landscape is undoubtedly becoming more complex: We are seeing the rapid proliferation of digital assets, a burgeoning demand for superior online, mobile user experiences, and cryptocurrency slowly getting into the mainstream.

Amidst all these, there is a heightened need to further accelerate digital transformation across the value chain through establishing the right guardrails, and implementing the right technology—which are all increasingly paramount in enhancing digital trust.

But how can players transcend new challenges around transparency, governance and accountability along with rapid changes brought about by new regulatory frameworks? Learn the ropes from industry experts on how to navigate today's fast-moving financial services scene with confidence. The following are the panelists in the seventh episode:

  • Thomas Zeeb, Global Head Exchanges & Chairman, Six Digital Exchange
  • Jon Deane, CEO, Trovio
  • Fernando Vazquez Cao, CEO SBI Digital Assets &DigiTrust, SBI Security Solutions

The seventh episode of DX Leaders will be hosted by Andreas Enderlin, Chair of Digital Transformation Award, and Lars Voedisch, Founder & Managing Director, PRecious Communications.


  • 17:00 - 17:05

    Welcome and Introduction by moderator, Lars Voedisch

    Welcome and Introduction by moderator, Lars Voedisch

    17:05 - 17:10

    What is the Digital Transformation Award about by Andreas Enderlin

    What is the Digital Transformation Award about by Andreas Enderlin

    17:10 - 17:20

    Today’s focus

    Today’s focus

    17:20 - 17:40

    Panel discussion

    Panel discussion

    17:40 - 18:00

    Q&A session

    Q&A session

  • Thomas Zeeb (Global Head Exchanges at SIX Digital Exchange)

    Thomas Zeeb

    Global Head Exchanges at SIX Digital Exchange

  • Jon Deane (CEO of Trovio)

    Jon Deane

    CEO of Trovio

  • Andreas Enderlin (Founder & Managing Partner of Hugo Capital Partners)

    Andreas Enderlin

    Founder & Managing Partner of Hugo Capital Partners

  • Fernando Vazquez Cao (CEO SBI Digital Assets & DigiTrust of SBI Security Solutions)

    Fernando Vazquez Cao

    CEO SBI Digital Assets & DigiTrust of SBI Security Solutions

  • Lars Voedisch (Managing Director, Principle Consultant of PRecious Communications)

    Lars Voedisch

    Managing Director, Principle Consultant of PRecious Communications

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