This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other SwissCham Singapore events.

We are delighted to invite you to the traditional budget talk, co-organized with our partner Luther and the Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (BLCC).

Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong, will deliver Singapore's FY2022 Budget Statement on Friday, 18 February 2022 in Parliament. The Budget Speech will outline the government's plans for the year 2022 and the planned changes in the legal and tax environment.

It is therefore generally of great relevance for companies and individuals doing business in Singapore. Any changes planned in the Singapore tax laws for the year will be addressed in the Budget Speech.

Luther will summarize the main legal and tax changes and how these changes may influence companies and resident individuals in the ongoing calendar year.

Kindly note that this is a physical event, not a hybrid event.

This event is only open to members of SwissCham Singapore. Admission is free.

*Please be informed that photos and/or videos will be taken during the event, which might be published on our website, in newsletters, social media or any other publication. With the registration to the event, you consent to the same.

Useful information for members:

-Ordinary Member: 2 attendees are free

-Associate Member: 1 attendee is free

-Young Professional: 1 atttendee is free

No-shows & cancellations for members:

– No-shows will be charged, SGD 40.00

– Free cancellation can be done till 2 days prior to the event by sending an email to: and

– Cancellations made later will be charged SGD 40.00.


The Great Room, Centennial Tower Singapore
3 Temasek Avenue, Level 17 and 18, Singapore 039190

See route

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